Practice answer 2


In this text, a man’s description of how much he hates seafood is explained through the use of adjectives. Adjectives were used by the writer as a way for the character to get across his hatred of seafood. “For hour upon hour I was jostled by fish-crazed punters slurping kina, chugging scallops and feasting on all manner of slimy kaimoana.” Adjectives were used at the powerful force in this quote especially and use words that typically describe unpleasant things. Slurping, chugging and slimy are all words that are used most of the time to describe a messy situation and when used with this context, we can only assume the amount of meaning behind the characters feeling towards seafood. The writer doesn’t seem to be all that keen on seafood and his feelings are represented through the characters expressions. The writer describes the characters dislike towards seafood saying that it was bad. But then he goes on to say “Actually that doesn’t quite go far enough”. The writer has chosen to describe all seafood in this manner because he has found a way of expressing himself without making it seem like his feelings. Looking back on the first quote and it’s chosen adjectives, we can now see why the writer chose to write and express his opinions this way. As said before, the adjectives used were all used typically to describe a messy situation and this comes off to the reader that when the character is around seafood, the situation in fact becomes a messy one. The writer wishes his opinions were different on seafood because he doesn’t want his opinions to come off in a bad way to his peers. “I do a little more than recoil like Dracula drenched in holy water before throwing open every window in the house” This quote rather than using adjectives uses similes to get across the writers intentions. He uses the simile above to express how much he is trying to not effect others with his dislikes. Although he uses this simile to explain this, he later goes on to explain what happens when he can’t take the smell of seafood anymore.

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